Detail Pekerjaan
Kota Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Full-Time • Kerja di kantor
Rp 2.493.000 - Rp 2.700.000
Lowongan sudah ditutup
Minimal D3/D4
Jenis Kelamin
Maksimal 35 Tahun
Minimal 2 Tahun
Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
1. Pendidikan Min. D3 Akuntansi / management
2. Usia Min. 23 Tahun
3. Terbiasa handle laporan keuangan
4. Terbiasa dengan Microsoft Excel
5 Teliti, Komunikatif dan cekatan
6. Memiliki pengalaman 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
Hari Kerja
Jam Kerja
08:00 - 17:00
Tentang Perusahaan
Pemasaran dan Penjualan
1981 The journey began with the first Batik store in Malioboro street, Margaria Batik. 1989 We expanded our retail business to offer a one-stop shop for Modest Fashion, Khasanah Muslim Alfath in the same street 1995 After 14 years in the retail industry, we ventured to Solo. Our founders' vision led to the creation of innovative products and our production line. Initially named Sekar Konveksi, this line was later rebranded as Kampuh Lipat in 2017. In the same year, we forayed into the beauty business, opening the first DS Salon in Yogyakarta. 2003 We launched our first hamper retail store, Kadokita, to meet customer demand and interest for professionallymade gift baskets. 2007 Following the successful launch of our retail brand, Karita, in 2002, we were awarded the first MURI (Indonesia’s World Record Museum) certification for the smallest foldable mukena. 2013 Our first education business unit, Master Education Centre is opened . 2015 We expanded into earl -stage education
Lihat detail profil
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Minimal D3/D4
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