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Detail Pekerjaan

The Harvest Cake

Delivery Man (Kabupaten Gresik)

The Harvest Cake


Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur


Full-TimeKerja di kantor


Rp 4.500.000 - Rp 4.525.000

Lowongan sudah ditutup



Minimal SMA/SMK/Sederajat


Jenis Kelamin

Tidak ada ketentuan



Tidak ada ketentuan



Minimal 1 Tahun

Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

- Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif - Tinggi badan Pria/Wanita Minimal 160 cm, Berat Badan ldeal Maks 70 Kg - Pendidikan minimal SMK/SMA, diutamakan D3/S1 Jurusan Perhotelan, Tata Boga & Pariwisata - Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi yang sama pada Industry F&B, Industry Retail, atau Retail F&B - Menguasai teknologi digital saat ini - Wajib memiliki SIM C - Bersedia ditempatkan di The Harvest Gresik - Saat ini masih Aktif Bekerja

Hari Kerja

Senin - Jumat

Jam Kerja

08:00 - 17:00

Tentang Perusahaan

The Harvest Cake

The Harvest Cake

Rumah Makan

PT. Mount Scopus Group is a leading innovator in Indonesia’s F&B Industries. The company forefronts creativity as the core soul of its business conducts. Established in 2004, PT. Mount Scopus Indonesia has grown from a small startup company to one of the largest F&B enterprises in the country, putting forward sophisticated and heart-warming cuisine with conceptual art collaborations. To support that, we will expand our business and we are ALWAYS HIRING. Please completely information about your personal data on this page, hopefully in the future we can work together in one company!!!!

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