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Detail Pekerjaan

Bina Bangsa School

Sickbay Nurse

Bina Bangsa School


Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta


KontrakKerja di kantor

Lowongan sudah ditutup



Minimal D3/D4


Jenis Kelamin




Maksimal 30 Tahun



Minimal 1 Tahun

Pekerjaan ini membutuhkan

checkBerkomunikasi dalam Bahasa InggrischeckKeterampilan Komunikasi dengan PasiencheckAnalisis Kebutuhan ObatcheckAnalisis KesehatancheckEvaluasi KesehatancheckKonseling KesehatancheckApotek KesehatancheckLayanan KesehatancheckEtika Layanan KesehatancheckEvaluasi PasiencheckKebutuhan PasiencheckKeterampilan Observasi Pasien

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

General Qualifications:

∙ Female, max. age 30, Minimum Diploma in Nursing.

∙ 1 year relevant experience in nursing or any health-care institutions.

∙ Strong knowledge and trained in basic first aid procedures.

∙ Computer (Microsoft Office) & Internet literate.

∙ Possess exceptional interpersonal & organizational skills, resourceful and self-motivated.

∙ Possesses the initiative and ability to work independently with minimal direction.

∙ Good verbal & written communications skills (English).

∙ Preferably live around West or North of Jakarta.

∙ Available to work immediately.


∙ Provide first aid treatment to injured or ill students, staff and visitors.

∙ Assess condition and when necessary send patient home, to doctor or to hospital.

∙ Provide first aid station during school emergency procedures.

∙ Maintain records of first aid treatment, complete injury reports.

∙ Re-stock and maintain first aid kits on campus, and those used for excursions.

∙ Maintain a register of First Aid trained staff.

∙ Purchase first aid supplies and operate first aid budget.

∙ Report injuries caused by dangerous practices, structures or equipment using school based processes.

∙ Maintain records regarding sickbay attendance.

∙ Provide advice to staff/students on first aid matters.


BPJSTHRUang makanGaji Pokok

Hari Kerja

Senin - Jumat

Jam Kerja

07:00 - 16:00

Tentang Perusahaan

Bina Bangsa School

Bina Bangsa School


Bina Bangsa School was founded in 2001, intending to fulfil the aspirations of families who wished to give their children a national education with a global outlook. Henceforth, BBS came into existence – with an internationally recognised Cambridge programme - IGCSE and ‘A’ Levels Curricular. We have integrated our academic training with the teaching of the Christian faith as our central value system.

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